We are in a weak spot for the beacon and also in high humidity conditions it is more difficult to receive the signal.

We switched to the Coast Guard beacon from 25 June 2008- 3 August 2009 but we went back to the Omnistar service because the connection to the Coast Guard beacon wasn’t dependable. We can always start the Omnistar service on GPS II if needed for $400/year. We keep the Omnistar real-time correction service on the GPS I data logger and the Coast Guard beacon on GPS II. When using the Trimble XRS Pro GPS with the Omnistar real-time correction service or the internal Coast Guard beacon we can expect submeter accuracy (approximately + 20 to +70). They are also used to navigate back to these locations and to navigate to new locations whose coordinates have been uploaded to the GPS. The LTER GPS units are used for recording the locations of microplots, experiments, instrumentation, plot corners, sampling sites, events and many other LTER features.